Nowomaterialistyczny numer “Social Sciences” pod red. Dr Beatriz Revelles, Dr Waltraud Ernst oraz Dr Moniki Rogowskiej-Stangret

W języku angielskim:

Special Issue “Feminist new materialisms: Activating ethico-politics through genealogies in social sciences”

A special issue of Social Sciences (ISSN 2076-0760). This special issue belongs to the section “Gender Studies“.

Guest Editors:

Dr. Beatriz Revelles
Dr. Waltraud Ernst
Dr. Monika Rogowska-Stangret

According to Dolphijn & van der Tuin (2012), new materialisms are about putting it to work, which means that it is not meant to be described, but performed. The editors of this issue would like to add yet another loop that has to do with situating new materialisms as ethico-politics. We would like to put new materialisms to work for feminist, queer, postcolonial, ecological practices, since we want to invite one to understand feminism with new materialisms and vice-versa. Our approach to this field of research is strongly marked by the concepts of genealogies (van der Tuin, 2015), feminicity (Colman, 2014), diffracting diffraction (Barad, 2014), and the processes of becoming and sense-making of our own flexible and multiple identities (Braidotti 2013). That is, our approach has to do with how we build, contemporaneously, our epistemological genealogies affectively to produce points of activitation for feminist, queer, postcolonial, and ecological practices. We invite one to investigate examples for new social bondings and community building beyond identity politics, and we look for contributions dealing with specific instances of realities that engage with the world with an entanglement between feminist ethics, politics, and methodologies.

