Redaktor numeru / editors: Julia Kubisa, Katarzyna Wojnicka


Teksty / Texts:
Julia Kubisa, Katarzyna Rakowska , Was it a strike? Notes on Polish Women on Strike and Strike of Parent’s of Persons with Disabilities
Radosław Nowojski, Magdalena Pluta, Katarzyna Zielińska, The Black Protests: a Struggle for (Re)Definition of Intimate Citizenship
Jennifer Ramme, Claudia Snochowska-Gonzalez , Solidarity despite and because of diversity. Activists of the Polish Women’s Strike
Magdalena Muszel, Grzegorz Piotrowski, Rocking the small-town boat: Black Protest activists in small and provincial Polish cities Abstract
Greta Gober, Justyna Struzik, Feminist transnational diaspora in the making. The case of the #BlackProtest
Alexandra Ana, Precarious locations: feminist co-optation and strategies of resistance in the neoliberal age? Abstract
Anna Sedysheva, The #яНеБоюсьСказать (#IamNotScaredToSpeak) campaign of July 2016 in Facebook’s Russian speaking community: A Discourse Analysis Abstract
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